Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Halo: Reach was my first Halo game and a good game while i still had it... Unfortunately, some of my friends started to play different games a couple of weeks after and others I don't see on Xbox Live anymore. The game was just sitting there everyday. I tried selling it but failed because gamestop offered me a low price for it when the box was never touched more than once and they even saw that the game had no scratches whatsoever!!! Two days ago my friend at school was talking about how he wanted Halo: Reach. I offered to give him my copy since i would never play it. Everyone at our table was surprised especially him. Later that night seeing as it was my last day with it, I asked one of my friends to play it with me for one last time and they agreed. We played about 5 matches and they were really long. The last one was very fun but we lost =(. The following day I gave my friend the game in my 4th class. He was really happy and thanked me many times while the other people at our table couldn't believe that I was actually did that.

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